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Drawing Journeys

Hi, I'm Liam. I design services that make it simpler, faster and better for humans to do the things they want to do. I've done this for almost 20 years in Government, in Education, and in the Private Sector.

User research and design for new University of Bath website (2016)

The university had 15.000+ pages online which had been added, updated and designed as and when needed. I counted at least 4 clearly different 'strata' of design styles for the main site, and each department had adopted their own visual ideology. I was responsible for delivering a complete, cohesive redesign of the website, and the accompanying printed undergraduate prospectus.

Key responsibilities:

User experience design for Defra Livestock information programme (2017)

EU legislation meant that all animal movements needed to be tracked and traceable. Defra’s existing IT was not able to cope with requirements, and there was a very low uptake in using the services. I was the UX and service design specialist in a multidisciplinary team.

Key responsibilities

User Experience design for Defra Communities of Practice (2018)

I was approached by a senior colleague to create a series of posters to increase awareness of the communities of practice within Defra for digital specialists.

Key responsibilities

User Experience design for Defra Rod Catch Returns service (2018)

Researching the existing user experience of an online service, and then proposing changes via prototyping in HTML using government templates and adhering to the government service standard (which I am currently helping to re-write). link

User Experience design for Defra Waste Exemptions service (2019)

Leading on the prototyping of a completely new renewal service for government waste exemptions. Facilitating user research sessions, leading whiteboarding ideation workshops to look at how to provide a really simple and obvious way for business to renew their exemptions (needs to be done every 3 years, most business forget and it requires a huge amount of enforcement).